Supported Install Files for Custom Packages

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Supported Install Files for Custom Packages

PDQ Deploy supports the following types of install files for custom packages:

Install File


Microsoft Installer

Microsoft Installer files come in MSI, MSP, and MSU varieties, each with slightly different options.

NOTE: See MSI Options for details on the available options.

MSI: Very common install files that are installed using msiexec.exe which is part of all recent versions of Windows.

MSP: Patches or updates for existing applications (or the operating system). They are essentially MSI files that don’t include the uninstall or repair option. They can only be installed. MSP files are installed with msiexec.exe just like MSI files.

MSU: Like MSP files, MSU files are updates. They only work with Windows Vista and later and are installed with wusa.exe.

TIP: For information about troubleshooting MSI error codes, see Troubleshooting Microsoft Installer Errors.


Many installs come as executable files. When using an executable file it is critical that you select the correct Silent Options or the installation may appear to hang forever.

Quite often executable installs are little more than wrappers around an MSI file, consequently they will accept many of the same command-line options that msiexec.exe does.


PowerShell is Microsoft’s new standard for scripting administrative tasks. PowerShell can also be run on its own dedicated step type.

NOTE: PowerShell must be installed on the target computer for this type of install to work.

IMPORTANT: PowerShell version 1 is not supported in PDQ Deploy.        


VBScript is used quite extensively in systems administration to perform routine tasks.


These are the same batch files that you’ve probably used for a myriad of tasks. Generally, installs don’t come as batch files, but you can create your own.

A good use for batch files in a package can be if you have an install that requires environment settings before it is run. You could set up the environment in the batch file, then execute the install. You need to select Include entire directory if you do this so that both the batch and install files are copied.

You can also use batch files in packages to perform non-installation type tasks such as editing the target computer registry or creating or deleting files. Pretty much anything you can automate in a batch file can be “deployed” this way.


Quickly add values to a target computer’s registry using a .reg file exported from regedit.exe.




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