<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Handling Offline Target Computers for Deployments |
There are several PDQ Deploy features that you can use to handle deployments to target computers that are offline:
•Heartbeat schedules: A PDQ Deploy schedule trigger that deploys packages to target computers when they come online. (This feature requires Enterprise mode for both PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory.)
•Retry Queue: Target computers that are offline during a deployment can be automatically placed in the Retry Queue. (Requires Enterprise mode.) PDQ Deploy retries deployments to computers in the queue according to your settings.
•Wake-on-LAN: You can use Wake-on-LAN (WOL) to start up offline target computers before deployments. (Requires PDQ Deploy in Enterprise mode and PDQ Inventory.)
This chapter contains the following topics:
•Deploying When Target Computers Come Online with Heartbeat Schedules
•PDQ Inventory Heartbeat Timing
•Scheduling A Heartbeat Deployment
•Handling Offline Targets Using the Retry Queue and Wake-on-LAN
•Default Offline Settings in Preferences
•Using the Retry Queue for Offline Computers
•Using Wake-on-LAN for Offline Computers
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