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Target Filters

Filters allow the administrator to determine which computers can get deployed to from this server. See Target Filter Types for how to define filters.

Pro Mode is required to use target filters.

When using multiple servers filters are necessary to ensure that servers can only send deployments to a subset of computers on the network.




These filters prevent deployment to any computer that matches any of the given Target Filters.


These filters prevent deployment to any computer that doesn't match any of the given Target Filters. If there are no inclusion filters defined then all computers will pass through.

Order of Operation

When a server processes a deployment for a target it will first check if there are any inclusion filters. If there are and none of the filters match the computer then the deployment is blocked to that computer. Next the exclusion filters are checked and if there is a match then deployment is blocked. Otherwise the deployment is processed as normal.

PDQ Deploy Version 2.2 (release 2) © 2013 Admin Arsenal