Reference > Preferences >


See Credentials for more information.

Adding Credentials

Use the Add Credentials button to add a new set of credentials. If the new credentials match the name of an existing set then it is the same as changing the password of the existing credentials.

Default Credentials

Sets the selected credentials to be the default. Only one set of credentials can be the default (setting the default will unset the old credentials).

Deleting Credentials

The default credentials cannot be deleted.  To delete them, set another set of credentials to default.  If there is only one set of credentials, it cannot be deleted.

Run As Local System

This option allows for the remote service to be executed as the built-in local system account.  This option may be useful in different scenarios where it isn't an option to run the remote service as a user account.

PDQ Deploy Version 2.3.0 (beta 1) © 2013 Admin Arsenal