Reference > Preferences >


Settings used to connect to a Spiceworks server.

Note:  In Spiceworks only Admin users are allowed to browse Groups. Helpdesk Admin and Reporting users will receive an error when attempting to view groups.



Host Name

The name of the computer where Spiceworks is installed.  "Localhost" can be used if the Spiceworks is installed on the same computer.


The IP port used by the Spiceworks service.  This number can be viewed in the URL of your browser when connected to Spiceworks, e.g. http://localhost:8080/dashboard/

Spiceworks will normally use port 443. It will use 9676 if port 443 is already in use.  When not using SSL the defaults are port 80 and 9675 instead.


Use SSL to connect to Spiceworks and encrypt all communication between PDQ Deploy and Spiceworks.

User Name

Your Spiceworks user name, typically your e-mail address.


See Also

Preferences Window

PDQ Deploy Version 3.1 (release 4) © 2014 Admin Arsenal