Overview >


Your security is very important to us, to that end we make sure to encrypt sensitive information (passwords) when they are stored in the database.  We use industry standard AES encryption with three separate keys to keep your data safe.  One key is built into the application, one key is stored in the database and the third is stored in the registry.  These last two keys are generated when the application is installed and are unique to your system.

Our support staff may ask you to send your database to us in order to troubleshoot a problem. We will never ask you to send us the encryption key stored in the registry, so you can be sure that your passwords are kept secure.

If you need to move your database from one computer to another you should include the encryption key in the registry.  If the key is lost then all passwords stored in the system will need to be re-entered. No other data will be lost.

See Also

Data Files

PDQ Inventory Version 1.0.2 (beta 1) © 2011 Admin Arsenal