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Scan Profiles (Pro Mode)

Scan profiles allow for the creating of different groups of scanners which will be scanned together. Each scan profile can be set with a different schedule or they can be initiated manually.

Scan profiles are modified using the Scan Profiles Preferences.

Pro Mode is required to use Scan Profiles.

Default Scan Profile

One scan profile is marked as default.  It is the profile that is run automatically when new computers are added or when a normal scan is initiated in the application (using F6 or the menu).  The other scan profiles can be started on a schedule or manually using the Scan with Profile menu item.

Automatic Scanning

Each scan profile can be set to scan at a different interval.  There are two types of intervals available.




Repeat the scan at the same time every day (or every # days).

Scan Age

Scan when the last scan was made at a certain time in the past. The default scan profile has a Scan Age of 1 day set initially (this can be changed).


PDQ Inventory Version 1.0.2 (beta 1) © 2011 Admin Arsenal