Text Column

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Text fields match against a text value such as the name or description of a computer.


Use one of the version comparisons to match against version numbers in text values.  This is particularly helpful with the Application and File scanners. Version matches will follow these rules:

Versions are 2-4 numbers separated by dots or commas. 10.1.15 and 1, 3, 4 are examples of version numbers.

Versions compare left to right as whole numbers when comparing.  1.15 is considered to be higher than 1.5, which is different than if comparing based solely on text.

Any missing values are treated as zeros. is considered equal to 04.65.

Versions can appear anywhere in the text value.  "Ver. 1.5.2 (Dec 15)" is treated as "1.5.2" for purposes of comparison.

When entering the version to compare against, only include the version number.  "Ver 1.5.2" will not be considered a valid version.


When using the matches pattern and does not match pattern comparisons the pattern uses wildcards similar to matching file names on the command line.




Matches zero or more characters.
Workstation* matches Workstation, Workstation1, and Workstation999.


Matches any single character.
Workstation?? matches Workstation99 but not Workstation or Workstation999.
Workstation?* matches Workstation1, Workstation99 but not Workstation.

Regular Expression

Regular expressions allow for very sophisticated matching of text using patterns. Writing good regular expressions is a big topic and you can find some assistance using one of the links listed here.

As always, feel free to post a question in our forums for some help creating expressions.