Variables Window

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Variables Window

Variables can be used to store values that may be referenced throughout PDQ Inventory. (Enterprise mode required to use Variables). Variables can be very handy when the same value needs to be referenced multiple times such as an application version that is needed in both Collections and Reports. For example, you can store the latest version of Mozilla Firefox. If the latest version is 50.0 you can store this in a variable name such as @(FirefoxLatest). When a new version is released you can simply change this value once and any report or collection that references the variable will automatically use the new version as updated on this page.

IMPORTANT: Variables may be used only in Enterprise mode.

For a demonstration of how to use variables, see the following video.

VIDEO: Filters for Collections and Reports Part 3 Variables

Variable in Collections and Reports


To access the Variables settings, click Options > Credentials.




You can create, delete, and modify custom variables in the Custom tab.

Custom Variables can be referenced using the @(...) convention.

NOTE: You can use whatever naming convention you wish within the parenthesis. You do not need to follow the naming conventions that are used for System Variables.


The list of predefined system variables available for use in PDQ Inventory. These variables are maintained by PDQ and cannot be changed.

System Variables cannot be modified but can be referenced using the $(...) convention.

NOTE: System Variable values are constantly updated and will have occasional name changes.

See also

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