Registry Page

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Registry Page

The page of the Computer window that shows registry information from the Registry scanner, as determined by the Registry Scanner Settings for a particular scan profile. PDQ Inventory comes by default with two prebuilt scan profiles called Registry Keys and Windows Firewall Configuration. Registry Keys scans for Windows Run and RunOnce Keys and Windows Firewall Configuration shows the firewall configuration settings for DomainProfile and StandardProfile. (Enterprise mode required to view this page.)

You can delete the results of a registry scan by selecting the files to be deleted and press Del (or right-click and select Delete Scan Result(s)). This does not delete the actual registry entry nor does it delete the scan profile used to scan the data. Initiating another scan with the same scan profile will undo this action.

To show, hide, and move columns, click the Customize this grid button (upper left corner) or right-click the column header and select Edit Columns.




The registry hive of the value (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS).


The path to the value.

Value Name

The name of the value or default for key values.


The value stored in the key.

Last Successful Scan

The date and time the file was last scanned successfully.

Scan Profile(s)

Displays the Scan Profile name of each Scan Profile that retrieved the data.

Full Name

The full name of the key including name and path (hidden by default).


The type of data stored in the key: possible values are Binary, DWord, ExpandString, MultiString, QWord, String, None, and Unknown (hidden by default).

See also

Computer Window

Registry Scanner




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