Miscellaneous Icons

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Miscellaneous Icons





Package Library in the tree


Category used in the Package Library.

Package Library in the tree


Software vendors of products included in Package Library packages.

Schedule window


Detach Packages

Detaches a package from a schedule.

Schedule window

Attach Packages

Attaches a package to a schedule.

Package Page > Schedule tab: Right-click Schedule name

Detach Schedules

Detach an existing schedule from the selected package.

Package Page > Schedule tab: Right-click Schedule name

Attach Schedules

Attach an existing schedule from the selected package.

Package Library or folder in the tree


Appears in front of the item name and means a component is missing or not properly configured.

Package Library or folder in the tree


Appears in front of a package that cannot be deployed.

All Schedules

Package Page > Schedule tab: Right-click schedule name

Add Trigger

Adds the schedule trigger and opens the Edit Schedule window for further selections.

Edit menu

Right-click anywhere on a Grid

Select All or Select None

Ctrl+A toggles from Select All to Select None.

Main Console Toolbar


Auto Download package awaiting approval. Only visible in the Toolbar after an Auto Download is awaiting approval (Enterprise mode required).

Package Library, Update tab

Package Update

This denotes that there are packages in the package library that have published updates.

Various windows


Appears in various locations when selecting preferences or customizing. Resets the active item to default settings.

Various windows

Reset All

Appears in various locations when selecting preferences or customizing. Resets all items on the current window to default settings.

Right-click on a Deployment


Redeploy to all target computers whether they succeeded or failed.

Deploy Once window

Schedule window > Targets tab


Target computers chosen for deployment.

Various windows


Used to add Custom or System variables. The tooltip will also display the value of any variables used.

See also

Menu and Toolbar Icons

Tree and Page Icons

Package Step Type Icons

Schedule Icons

Deployment Status Icons

Print Preview Icons

Preferences Window Icons




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