<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Downloading Packages from the Library |
A PDQ Deploy Package includes a set of configuration options and instructions plus the install files needed by PDQ Deploy to silently install or update a free application.
When you download a prebuilt package from the Package Library, the configuration information of the package is stored in your local PDQ Deploy database. The install files are downloaded to the Repository, which is stored in the PDQ Deploy %ProgramData% directory by default (for example, C:\Users\Public\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository). This directory can be moved and the install files from any packages you download in the future will download to the new location of the repository.
This topic contains the following sections:
•Downloading Prebuilt Packages
•Additional Information About Downloading Packages
•Downloading Duplicate Packages
•Previous Versions of Packages
To download prebuilt packages from the PDQ Deploy Package Library:
1.On the Main Console tree, click Package Library.
The Package Library page displays.
2.(Optional) On the tree, navigate using Categories or Vendors to locate the likely package or packages you need.
You can also type keywords in the Filter field on the Package Library page to narrow your search.
TIP: For more ways to filter the Package Library, see Sorting the Package Library. You can also view and sort the Package Library on the web (https://www.pdq.com/package-library-list).
3.Select a package in the list and information about the package displays in Package Details.
Package Details sidebar includes information about the package and what it does.
NOTE: Enterprise license mode users also have access to older prebuilt packages. For more information, see Previous Versions of Packages.
4.Once you have identified the package or packages you need, click the checkboxes to select them.
5.Click Download Selected (double-click one package or select multiple packages by holding Shift or Ctrl then double-click).
The new package is added to the Packages folder in the tree and will display the download progress next to the package name. The download progress and history is also displayed on the Download History tab of the Package Library.
NOTE: Packages downloaded using in Enterprise mode are automatically set to Auto Download new versions. For more information see Auto Download packages.
6.(Optional) You can single-click the package name in the tree to view the individual package page of the Main Console.
7.(Optional) You can also view and edit the package and package step properties by selecting the package in the tree and double clicking (clicking Edit Package from the individual product page or Ctrl+O) to open. For information about editing and using prebuilt packages as templates, see Managing Packages.
The package is ready to be immediately deployed or scheduled for deployment. For information about deploying packages see Manually Deploying Packages or Setting up Scheduled Deployments.
NOTE: While you can edit packages that you download, in Enterprise mode, you cannot modify the existing steps of a package set to Auto Download. You can add additional steps before and after the existing steps. However, to modify the existing steps, you will need to first convert to a Standard Package. For information about Auto Download, see Creating Auto Deployments. For information about adding additional steps to an Auto Download, see Editing an Auto Deployment.
What happens if I download a package that is already downloaded?
The package will be downloaded again and appear in Packages with a number appended to the package name. If you modify package files, then re-download the package, the changes are lost because the original files are replaced. Note that you may see duplicate packages if you re-download, but don't delete the earlier packages.
I need a specific version of an update. How can I find older versions of PDQ Deploy packages?
Enterprise users can access a curated list of previous packages (old versions) in the Package Library. Typically, the older packages will be for the last release of a major version of the software.
To download older versions of packages from the PDQ Deploy Package Library:
1.On the Main Console tree, click Package Library.
2.On the tree, browse to and select the package for the product you need.
Under Package Details > Versions is a list of the older packages available.
3.To download one of the older packages, click the Download Now link for the version you want.
The Download window opens and shows the progress as the package downloads.
When new or updated packages are added to the Package Library, several indicators on the Main Console window will alert you. The Package Library icon on the toolbar changes from normal to updated
. Also, the Updated Packages link on the Package Library page indicates how many updates there are (and the link appears on the Status bar).
To view the list of updated packages, do one of the following:
•On the Package Library page:
•Click the xx Updated Packages link.
•Click the xx Updates tab.
•On the Status bar, click the xx Updated Packages link.
On the xx Updates tab you can browse the updated packages and remove packages from the list (Clear Selected Notifications or Clear All Notifications).
NOTE: The Package Library is updated when PDQ Deploy is opened, every 2 hours thereafter, and when manually refreshed (View > Refresh or F5). The list of Updated Packages is based on changes to the library after your initial installation or after using Clear All Notifications.
Auto Download is an Enterprise mode feature that allows you to set packages to automatically download new new versions of applications as they become available in the PDQ Deploy Package Library. These packages can then be scheduled for deployment so upon approval they will automatically update computers for you. For details, see Creating Auto Deployments and Auto Download Preferences.
When multiple packages are selected in the tree (Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click), the Multiple Packages page opens on the right. From this page, you can perform the following actions:
•Create new package nesting these packages: A New Package window opens with each packages listed as a separate nested step. For details, see Creating a New Package and Nested Package Step Properties.
•Start a deployment with these packages: A Deploy Once window opens with each package selected to be deployed. For details, see Deploying Multiple Packages with Deploy Once.
•Create new schedules with these packages: A new Schedule window opens for all selected packages. For details, see Creating Scheduled Deployments.
•Attach packages to an existing schedule: The Select Schedules window opens. To attach the packages to an existing schedule, simply select the existing schedule and click OK, or double-click the schedule name.
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