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Run as Logged on User

Pro Mode is required to use Run as Logged on User.

Running as the logged on user is an option for the Install and Command steps.  This option will execute the process as the user currently logged on the target computer.  The following considerations and limitations of this option apply.

If multiple users are logged into the computer at the same time (such as through remote desktop to a server) then preference is given to the user logged in on the physical console.  If only remote connections are logged in then which user is selected isn't defined, though it is usually the first user that connected.  Note that most remote control software (e.g. VNC) connects to the physical console session and will be treated as the preferred logon session.
Note:  On Server 2003 only the physical console session can be used, connections through terminal services are ignored.

If no user is currently logged on then the process is executed as the local system.

If the step running as logged on user requires Administrator privileges the logged on user must have those privileges otherwise the step may fail or timeout.

The process will be visible to the logged on user and can be interacted with.  This means that the user will be able to exit or cancel the application if it presents a user interface.

The process will run with the security of the logged on user.  If the process requires access to any resources (e.g. network shares, registry keys, program files directories) ensure that the user has sufficient rights to access them.

The file copy (either pull or push) does not execute as the logged on user but as the deployment user.

See Also

Command Step
Install Step

PDQ Deploy Version 2.3.0 (beta 1) © 2013 Admin Arsenal