Overview >

Pro Mode

PDQ Deploy operates in one of two modes.

Free Mode

This mode allows for unlimited use of a subset of the applications features.  It can be used for free in commercial and non-commercial environments.  There is no time limit nor is there a limit to the number of computers that can be managed.  At any time a license key can be entered to enable Pro Mode.

Pro Mode

This mode enables all of the features of PDQ Deploy as listed below. Pro mode licenses are available for purchase from the Admin Arsenal web site and free trial licenses are available. The application will revert to Free Mode if the license key expires, but no data will be lost and entering a new license key will turn Pro mode back on.





Schedule deployments to run in the future or at a regular interval.

Multiple Steps

Run multiple steps in a single package.

Package Steps

A number of steps in addition to the install.

Target Filters

Allows global control of computers that can and cannot receive deployments.

E-Mail Notifications

Receive e-mail notifications when deployments complete.

Performance Settings

Settings to tune the system, including bandwidth throttling and pull copy mode.

More being added all the time!

Upgrade Protection

Each pro mode license is a perpetual license but is only valid for versions of PDQ Deploy released within the license's upgrade protection period.  Licenses come with an initial upgrade protection window, meaning that they are valid for versions of PDQ Deploy released within that time period following the purchase of the license.  Additional years of upgrade protection are available for purchase when expired.

Per Administrator Licensing

PDQ Deploy is licensed per administrator.  Each user of the software requires a separate license key and they can use the software on as many computers as desired. If additional administrators will be using the software then additional licenses will need to be purchased.


PDQ Deploy Version 3.1 (release 4) © 2014 Admin Arsenal