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Settings that affect the server's performance.

Pro Mode is required to use performance settings.

Thread Settings



Concurrent Targets per Deployment

The maximum number of concurrent targets to deploy for each deployment. This number determines how many targets can be deployed in parallel. The higher number the greater use of server resources such as memory and bandwidth.

The default is 8.

The lower of the two will be used if set above Total Concurrent Targets

Total Concurrent Targets

The maximum number of concurrent targets in total. Once this limit is reached no more targets will receive deployments until others have finished.

The default is 32.

Bandwidth Limit

Sets the percentage of bandwidth limit to use. This limit is only used during the copy phase of the deployment, when potentially very large files are copied down to the target computers.

If set to 100 then no limit will occur at all and the file copies will take as much bandwidth as is available.

Note: Bandwidth Limit doesn't apply when using Pull Copy Mode.

Copy Mode

Select the copy mode used to copy files to the target computers.

Service Manager TCP Connection

How Windows will use TCP to connect to remote service managers.

Note:  This setting is only available when running on Windows Vista or later.

Test Multiple Addresses in Name Resolution

When enabled and a target computer has multiple addresses in DNS, PDQ Deploy will ping each address and use the first that responds. This will help when deploying to targets that frequently change IP addresses (such as roving laptops).

PDQ Deploy Version 6 © 2015 Admin Arsenal