<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Managing Reports |
You can edit prebuilt and custom reports in the Report window (Enterprise mode required to save changes to reports). The Report window contains the configuration details that you can edit for each type of report (Basic and SQL). You can also manage some aspects of reports on the main console.
This section includes the following topics:
•Creating Reports from Collections
•Exporting and Importing Reports
You can create PDQ Inventory Reports from any dynamic collection.
To create a report from a dynamic collection:
1.On the main console window tree, select a dynamic collection .
You can select any dynamic collection, including those in Collection Library. Collections without filters cannot be used to create reports.
2.Click Reports > New Report > From Collection (or right-click, then select Reports > New Report > From Collection).
A new Report window opens using the Define Report button, with the same name and description as the collection it's based on.
Most importantly, the new report contains the filters from the collection.
3.Click Save (or press Ctrl+S).
As you progress through the report configuration process, you should periodically save changes.
The new report is added to Reports on the main console tree. You can create custom report folders and move reports in them. For details, see Custom Report Folders.
4.Complete the report configuration, to do the following:
•Details (optional): Edit the name and description if needed.
•Columns: Add the data you want in the report.
•Filters (conditional): Edit the filters if you need to change the filter configuration inherited from the collection.
•Auto Reports (optional): Configure auto reports if you want the report to automatically run on schedules.
For configuration details, see Creating Basic Reports.
5.When you are finished configuring your report, click Save (or press Ctrl+S), then close the window.
You can streamline the creation of new reports by duplicating, renaming, and editing a report similar to the new report you need. Examining and re-purposing prebuilt reports is also a great way to learn how reports are constructed and configured.
To duplicate a report:
1.Select the report you want to duplicate.
2.Right-click and select Duplicate (or press Alt+Insert).
A duplicate report appears in the list with a number appended to its name. You can also copy and paste a report to create a duplicate.
3.(Optional) To rename a package, click Report > Define Report (or press Ctrl+F8 or right-click and select Define Report), edit the name, then click Save.
It’s good practice to rename the report so it matches its new purpose and to avoid confusion when using the original report.
4.To edit the new report, use the Define Report button and make changes as needed.
For information about modifying reports, see Editing Reports below or Creating Basic Reports.
You can create custom report folders and organize your reports in the default Reports folder or elsewhere on the main console tree.
Reports can be organized by:
Select and drag reports to move them from folder to folder. For details, see Custom Report Folders.
•Customizing Appearance
For information about setting custom appearance options, see Item Appearance Window.
Reports and report folders (and the reports inside them) can be exported to an XML file and then imported into PDQ Inventory on another computer.
To export reports:
1.Select one or more reports or a report folder.
When exporting a folder, all of the reports and folders within it are included.
2.Click File > Export (or press Ctrl+E or right-click and select Export).
3.Browse to where you want to save the reports, then click Save.
To import reports:
1.To determine where the imported reports or report folders are placed in the main console tree, do one of the following:
•To import to the default reports location, select Reports.
•To import into a report folder, select the folder or an item in the folder.
2.Click File > Import (or press Ctrl+I or right-click and select Import).
3.Browse to and select the reports or report folder file, then click Open.
The reports appear in the selected report location. If you import a folder, a report folder appears in the selected location with the reports inside it.
Basic and SQL reports are edited in the Report window using the Define Report button. You can also edit some aspects of reports on the main console.
To edit a report in the Report window:
1.On the main console window tree, click Reports, then select a report.
2.To open the Report window to edit, click Report > Define Report (or press Ctrl+F8 or right-click and select Define Report).
3.To edit the report, see the following table for a list of tasks and details:
Task |
Details |
Change the Name or Description |
Edit the name or description. |
Change Collection |
To change the collection the report runs against: 1.On the Report toolbar, click Select Collection Source 2.Click OK. |
Edit the SQL (SQL) |
Edit the SQL statements on the SQL tab. For more, see SQL Reports. |
Add or Edit Report Columns (Basic) |
To add a column: 1.On the toolbar, click Add Column The new column appears in the list. 2.(Conditional) Click the Move Up To configure a report column, do one or more of the following: •Click the Table list and select a table. •Click the Column list and select a data column. •Edit the Title field. •Click the Summary field and select a value. For details, see Part 2: Configuring Report Columns. |
Add or Edit a Group Filter (Basic) |
To add a group filter: 1.On the toolbar, click Add Group Filter The new group filter appears below the last item in the list. 2.(Conditional) Click the Move Up For details, see Arranging Group and Value Filters. 3.To set or edit the group filter rule, click the Group Filter list and select a rule. For details, see Part 2: Dynamic Collection Filters. |
Add a Value Filter (Basic) |
To add a value filter: 1.On the toolbar, click Add Value Filter The new filter appears in the list. 2.(Conditional) Click the Move Up For details, see Arranging Group and Value Filters. |
Edit a Value Filter (Basic) |
To edit a filter, do one or more of the following: •Click the Filter, Column, or Comparison list and select a new option. Depending on what you change, edit subsequent options as needed. •Click the Value field or list and enter or select a new value. For details, see Part 2: Dynamic Collection Filters. |
Manage Auto Reports |
To attach an auto report, do one of the following: 1.Click the Auto Reports tab and do one of the following: •On the Auto Reports toolbar, click Attach to Auto Report •Click the Attach 2.(Optional) On the Report window toolbar, click Attach Auto Reports To remove an auto report: 1.Select an auto report. 2.Click Detach from Auto Reports To change the collection an auto report runs against: 1.Select an auto report. 2.Click Change Collection |
Create a Collection |
To create a dynamic collection from the report: 1.Click New Collection from Report A new collection window opens with the same filter configuration as the report. 2.Edit the collection as needed. For configuration details, see Dynamic Collections. |
4.When you finish editing the report, click Save (or press Ctrl+S), then close the window.
To edit a report on the main console:
1.On the main console window tree, click Reports.
2.See the following table for a list of tasks and details:
Task |
Details |
Manage Reports |
You can create report folders and move reports from folder to folder. For details, see Organizing Reports. |
Attach Auto Report |
To attach an auto report: 1.Select a report. 2.Right-click and select Attach to Auto Report > Report Name. |
Create a Collection |
To create a dynamic collection from a basic report: 1.Select a basic report. 2.Click Report > New Collection from Report (or right-click and select New Collection from Report). A new collection window opens with the same filter configuration as the report. For configuration details, see Dynamic Collections. |
Delete a Report |
To delete a report: 1.Select a report. 2.On the toolbar, click Delete 3.Click OK to accept the deletion. |
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