<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Processes Page |
The page of the Computer window that shows the currently running processes on the target computer. Processes on the computer can be killed from this page (see Killing a Process).
NOTE: This page is unavailable to computers with an External Agent.
To show, hide, and move columns, click the Customize this grid button (upper left corner) or right-click the column header and select Edit Columns.
Column |
Description |
Image Name |
The name of the process source (for example, the system or a .EXE). |
The process ID number. |
The percent of CPU utilization by the process. |
Memory Usage |
The amount of memory used by the process. |
User Name |
The user the process is running under. |
Base Priority |
The priority of the process in numeric format, ranging from 0 (lowest priority) to 31 (highest priority) (hidden by default). |
CPU Time |
The amount of processor time, in seconds, used by a process since it started (hidden by default). |
Handle Count |
The total number of (Executive) object handles open by the process (hidden by default). |
Page Faults |
The number of times the process has reloaded pages from the page file (hidden by default). |
Peak Memory Usage |
The highest amount of memory used by the process since it started (hidden by default). |
Thread Count |
The number of threads running in the process (hidden by default). |
To kill a process, select it, then click the Kill selected processes button .
IMPORTANT: Killing a process can cause unexpected results. The process will be terminated without being allowed to save any data. Please proceed with caution.
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