<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Managing Scan Profiles |
PDQ Inventory scan profiles are managed on the Scan Profiles window found in the Options menu and edited in the Scan Profile window.
This section describes how to manage scan profiles and includes the following topics:
•Exporting and Importing Scan Profiles
You can streamline the creation of new scan profiles by duplicating, renaming, and editing a profile that is similar to the new profile you need.
To duplicate a scan profile:
1.Open the Options > Scan Profiles page.
2.Select the scan profile you want to duplicate.
3.Press Alt+Insert, or right-click the profile and select Duplicate.
A duplicate schedule appears in the Scan Profiles list with the same name (appended with a number).
It’s good practice to rename the duplicated profile so it matches its new purpose and to avoid confusing it with the original profile.
4.To rename the duplicate profile, double-click it (or press Ctrl+O, or right-click and select Edit Scan Profile), edit the name, then click OK.
5.(Optional) To edit the scanners used by the new profile, click the Details tab, then add or remove scanners.
For details, see Edit Scanners or Part 1: Adding Scan Profile Details.
6.(Optional) To edit the schedules used by the new profile, click the Triggers tab, then edit, add, or remove triggers.
For details, see Edit Schedule Triggers or Part 2: Scheduling Automatic Scanning.
7.(Optional) To edit the collections targeted during the scheduled scan, click the Collections tab, then add or delete collections.
For details, see Edit Schedule Collections or Part 3: Targeting Specific Collections for Schedules.
8.When you are finished configuring the scan profile, click OK.
The new scan profile is now available for use in the scan menus.
Scan profiles can be exported to an XML file and then imported into PDQ Inventory on another computer.
To export scan profiles:
1.Open the Options > Scan Profiles page.
2.(Conditional) To export all scan profiles, do one of the following:
•Click Export on the toolbar, browse to where you want to save them, then click Save.
•Select all scan profiles (or press Ctrl+A), right-click any of the selected profiles, click Export (or press Ctrl+E), browse to where you want to save them, then click Save.
NOTE: Using the Export All button on the toolbar exports all scan profiles.
3.(Conditional) To export one or several scan profiles, select the profile(s), right-click any of the selected profiles, select Export (or press Ctrl+E), browse to where you want to save them, then click Save.
To import scan profiles:
1.Do one of the following:
•On the main console, open File > Import (or press Ctrl+I).
•Open the Options > Scan Profiles page, right-click and select Import (or press Ctrl+I) or click Import on the toolbar.
2.Browse to and select the scan profile definition, then click Open.
PDQ Inventory scan profiles can be edited in the Scan Profile window.
To edit a scan profile:
1.On the Main Console window, click Options > Scan Profiles.
2.Select the scan profile you want to edit, then double-click it or click Edit.
The Scan Profile window opens containing the Details and Triggers tabs.
3.To modify the scan profile, see the following table for a list of tasks and details:
Task |
Details |
Rename the Scan Profile |
Edit the scan profile name. |
Change the Scan Profile Description |
Edit the scan profile description. |
To add or edit scanners, click the Details tab. |
Add Scanners |
To add a scanner, click Add, then select a scanner. For details, see Creating a New Scan Profile, Part 1: Adding Scan Profile Details. |
Edit Configurable Scanners |
To edit a Files and Directory or Registry scanner, double-click it or select it and click Edit. For details, see Files & Directories Scanner Settings or Registry Scanner Settings. |
Remove Scanners |
To remove a scanner from the profile, select it, then click Remove (or press Delete) and confirm the deletion. |
To add or edit triggers and schedule settings, click the Triggers tab, then select a trigger. For details, see Creating a New Scan Profile, Part 2: Scheduling Automatic Scanning. |
To edit the collections targeted during the scheduled scan, click the Collections tab, then add or delete collections. For details, see Creating a New Scan Profile, Part 3: Targeting Specific Collections for Schedules. |
4.When you have finished editing the profile, click OK to save changes.
5.(Optional) To delete a scan profile, select it on the Scan Profile page, then click Delete (or right-click the profile and select Delete, or press Delete) and confirm the deletion.
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