<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Managing Auto Reports |
Auto reports can be edited in the Auto Report window and managed on the main console. You can also edit some aspects of Auto reports in the Auto Report sidebar.
For additional information, see Creating Auto Reports.
This section includes the following topics:
•Manually Running an Auto Report
•Managing Auto Reports on the Auto Reports Page
To run an auto report now from the Auto Report window:
1.On the main console tree, select Auto Reports.
2.On the Auto Reports page, select an auto report .
3.Click the Run Now button (or right-click the Auto Report and select Run Now
The auto report is run immediately without having to wait for the schedule trigger.
To edit an auto report in the Auto Report window:
1.On the main console tree, select Auto Reports.
2.On the Auto Reports page, select an auto report .
3.Double-click it (or click Edit or right-click and select Edit Auto Report).
4.To edit the auto report in the Auto Report window, see the following table for a list of tasks and details:
Task |
Details |
Edit Details |
To edit the auto report details, do one or more of the following: •Edit the report name. •Edit the path name or browse to and select a new location to save the report. •Type or select variables for the file name. •Select a different file format. •Choose to overwrite the previous report file. For details, see Part 1: Adding Auto Report Details. |
Edit the Schedule |
To add or edit schedule types and settings, click the Triggers tab. For details,see Part 2: Configuring Auto Report Schedules. |
Edit Mail |
To edit the mail configuration, click the Mail tab. For details, see Part 3: Configuring Auto Report Mail. |
Manage Reports |
To add a report, click the Reports tab, then do one of the following: •Click the Attach •On the Auto Reports toolbar, click Attach Auto Reports •Right-click the report list and select Attach Auto Reports > report folder > report. To remove a report, select a report, then do the following: •Click the Detach •Select an auto report, then click Detach from Auto Reports •Right-click and select Detach (or press Delete). To change the collection a report runs against: 1.Select a report. 2.Click Change Collection |
5.When you finish editing, click OK to save changes and close the report.
To manage an auto report on the Auto Reports page:
1.On the main console tree, select Auto Reports.
2.On the Auto Reports page, select an auto report .
3.See the following table for a list of tasks and details:
Task |
Details |
Duplicate an Auto Report |
To duplicate an auto report: 1.Select an auto report. 2.Press Alt+Insert (or right-click and select Duplicate). A duplicate auto report appears in the list with a number appended to its name. You can also copy and paste a report to create a duplicate. It’s good practice to rename the duplicate so it matches its new purpose. Edit the auto report as needed. |
Edit Details |
To edit auto report details: 1.On the auto report sidebar, click Change (or click Edit The Auto Report window opens on the Details tab. 2.Edit the details as needed, then click OK. For information about configuring details, see Part 1: Adding Auto Report Details. |
Add Schedule Triggers |
To add a schedule trigger, do one of the following: •Right-click, then select New Trigger > Trigger Name. •On the auto report sidebar, click Add Trigger > Trigger Name. The Auto Report window opens with the new trigger added. For configuration details, see Part 2: Configuring Auto Report Schedules. |
Add Recipients |
To recipients to the mail configuration: 1.On the auto report sidebar, click Add To, Add Cc, or Add Bcc. 2.In the recipient field, type or paste an email address, then click OK. The new recipient is added to the auto report. |
Attach Reports |
To attach a report, do one of the following: •Right-click, then select Attach Report > report folder > report. •On the auto report sidebar, click Attach Report > report folder > report. The new report is added to the auto report. |
Delete an Auto Report |
To delete an auto report: 1.Select an auto report. 2.On the toolbar, click Delete 3.Click OK to accept the deletion. |
Run Auto Report Now |
To run an auto report now: 1.Select an auto report. 2.Click Run Now (or right-click and click Run Now) |
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