<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Managing Collections |
You can manage dynamic and static collections on the main console window. To create or edit dynamic or static collections, see Dynamic Collections or Static Collections.
This section includes the following topics:
•Organizing Collections on the Main Console
•Creating Collections from Reports
•Exporting and Importing Collections
You can manage collections on the main console tree by nesting collections within other collections or by dragging and dropping collections to a different location on the main console tree.
You can create collections as containers, like folders, for the purpose of nesting a set of collections (subcollections). Container collections can be blank or have members of their own. Subcollections can have various relationships to their container collection.
•Subcollections will apply their respective filters against all computers unless the Drill down from parent collection option is checked. If this option is checked, then a subcollection will only process its filters against computers that are members of its parent collection.
Many prebuilt collections are set up as containers with subcollections. For example, the Microsoft Office collection has multiple subcollections organized in different levels. The top level collection (container) lists all computers with any version of Microsoft Office. The second levels (or first subcollections) lists specific versions of Office. The third levels (or second subcollections) lists the specific version of Office with or without various service packs. All these collections filter from all computers (no drill down collections).
To organize your collections, simply drag and drop them to a new location on the tree or nest them within other collections.
NOTE: Most of the collections you use and build will be dynamic collections, but static collections can also be subcollections and can be used as containers.
To create a blank collection as a container:
1.On the main console toolbar, click New Dynamic Collection (or Collection > New Dynamic Collection or press Ctrl+N).
A new Dynamic Collection window opens.
2.Type a name for the collection in Collection Name.
Use a name that explains the purpose of the container collection.
3.(Optional) Include a description for the collection in Description.
Like the name, it’s important to provide a description that clearly explains the purpose of the container.
4.To make the collection blank, select the default value filter, then click Delete .
If you want the container collection to include members, configure the filters as needed. For details, see Part 2: Configuring Collection Filters of Creating a Dynamic Collection.
5.Click OK to save and close the collection.
NOTE: To build a blank static collection, click New Static Collection (or Collection > New Static Collection or press Ctrl+Shift+N), add a name and description, then click OK to save and close the collection without members.
You can create dynamic collections from any PDQ Inventory Basic report.
To create a dynamic collection from a report:
1.On the main console window tree, click the Reports folder or another folder containing a basic report, then select a Basic report.
You can select any basic report, prebuilt or custom.
2.Click Reports > New Collection From Report (or right-click, then select New Collection From Report).
A new Dynamic Collection window opens, with the same name, description, and filter configuration as the report it's based on.
IMPORTANT: Not all reports can be made into collections due to the logic of the report. If this is the case, the option to create a collection from a report will not be available.
3.(Conditional) If you don't need to modify the collection, click OK to save it.
The new collection is added as the last item listed on the top level of the main console tree.
4.(Conditional) To make changes to the new collection, do one or more of the following:
•Edit the name and description if needed.
•Edit the filters if you need to change the filter configuration inherited from the report.
For filter collection configuration details, see Part 2: Configuring Collection Filters of Creating a Dynamic Collection.
5.When you are finished configuring your collection, click OK.
You can streamline the creation of new collections by duplicating, renaming, and editing a collection similar to the new collection you need. Examining and re-purposing prebuilt dynamic collections is also a great way to learn how collections are constructed and configured.
To duplicate a collection:
1.Select the collection you want to duplicate.
2.Right-click and select Duplicate (or press Alt+Insert).
A duplicate collection appears in the list with a number appended to its name. You can also copy and paste a collection to create a duplicate.
3.(Optional) To rename a collection, right-click and select Rename (or press F2 or click Edit > Rename), edit the name, then click OK.
It’s good practice to rename the collection so it matches its new purpose and to avoid confusion when using the original collection. You can also edit the name in the Collection window (see step 4).
4.(Conditional) To edit a dynamic collection, double-click the collection (or click Collection > Edit Collection or press Ctrl+Shift+O), then do one or more of the following:
•Edit the name and description if needed.
•Edit the filters inherited from the collection.
For collection filter configuration details, see Part 2: Configuring Collection Filters in Dynamic Collections.
5.(Conditional) To edit a static collection, double-click the collection (or click Collection > Edit Collection or press Ctrl+Shift+O), then do one or more of the following:
•Edit the name and description if needed.
•Add or remove members of the collection.
For static collection configuration details, see Creating Static Collections.
6.When you are finished configuring your collection, click OK.
Collections and groups of nested collections can be exported to an XML file and then imported into PDQ Inventory on another computer.
To export collections:
1.On the main console tree, select one or more collections or a set of nested collections.
When exporting a group of nested collections, all of the collections within it are included.
2.Click File > Export (or press Ctrl+E or right-click and select Export).
3.Browse to where you want to save the collection(s), then click Save.
To import collections:
1.To determine where the imported collections are placed in the main console tree, do one of the following:
•To import to the top level of the tree, click on the blank area of the tree, if applicable (do not select a collection).
•To import to the bottom level of the tree, click on Welcome to PDQ Inventory on the tree.
•To import into a nested collection, select the container collection.
2.Click File > Import (or press Ctrl+I or right-click and select Import).
3.Browse to and select the collection(s) XML file, then click Open.
The collections appear in the location you selected.
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