What's New >

Update Notes

Version 1.0

1.0.2 (Beta 1)

Automatically created collections for Active Directory containers.
New and improved data grids for presenting data.
Extended options for deleting computers with AD Sync.
Fixed cutting of computers from static collections.
Show proper value for binary values in registry scanner.
Added configurable timeout for installing .NET.
Allow computer tools to be used from reports.
Fixed an issue causing the vertical scroll bar to be hidden on the main window when resized.
Allow scanners and scan profiles to be copied and pasted.
Fixed possible crash opening remote admin repair.
Added User Name and User Domain to collection list, collection filters, and reports.
Fixed an issue that may cause scans to fail with SQLite error 14.
Allow collections matching empty date values (equals and does not equal).
Added Successful Scan Date to the computer object with the date/time of the last successful scan.
Added Time Zone to computer scan data.
Fixed error when scanning printers on a core server.

Release 2

SQL Reports.
Fixed a problem pasting collections to the root of the main window tree.
Added a description to collections which shows on the main window.
Improved interaction with server service.
Update service credentials when the user's password is changed.
Fixed bug preventing dynamic collections from referencing static collections.
Fixed an issue where computers synchronized from AD would appear twice in some windows.
Fixed a bug preventing use of empty text collection filters.
Renamed Scan Date computer attribute to Attempted Scan Date.
Added collection filters for Local User, Local Group, Local Group Member, and Share.
Fixed a problem preventing .NET installations in certain circumstances.
Fixed a problem that could cause some preference panels to not display correctly.
Fixed possible crash while navigating Active Directory computers.
Fixed a couple of problems selecting and opening computers from the collection page.
Improved performance of Active Directory browsing.
Fixed problem right-clicking on a grid's scroll bar.
Fixed issue printing some non-built-in reports.
Improved start up speed of service.
Allow the Active Directory browsing window to be refreshed without restarting console.
Fixed problem where filter on the collection page wasn't re-applied when the collection was changed.
Fixed problem double-clicking on the scroll bars of a list box.
Fixed a problem where wake could fail if invalid data was scanned.
Fixed some problem where using local user credentials would authenticate to an Active Directory domain.
Fixed invalid class error on scan of some Windows 2003 computers.
Improved the boot time scan on older versions of Windows.
Allow for auto update checking to look for new beta versions.

Release 1

This is the first version, everything is new.

PDQ Inventory Version 1.0.2 (beta 1) © 2011 Admin Arsenal