Reference > Package Window >

Common Step Properties

All steps have the following properties.

Step Title

An optional value that gives a description to the step. It will be shown in the Deployment Status during a deployment to make it easier to track the status of a deployment.


All conditions must be matched for a step to run.  If the step can't run due to conditions then it will be skipped and then next step will run.  If a package doesn't have any steps that can run for a particular computer then it will fail with an error message.

O/S Version

Select the version or versions of Windows for which the step will be applied.


Choose whether the step is to be run on 32-bit, 64-bit, or both types of systems.

Logged On User

This step is run depending on whether this is a user logged on to the computer interactively.




Don't test whether a user is logged on.

No Users

Only run if there are no users logged on.

Any Users

Run only if there is at least one user logged on.



Whether the step will be executed when the package is deployed.

Stop Deployment if this Step fails

With this option on the deployment will stop running if the step fails. Turn off this option to allow deployments to continue running the next step even if this step fails.

This option doesn't have an effect for the last step in a package, since the deployment will always stop after the last action.

Run as Logged on User

Pro Mode is required to use Run as Logged on User.

Runs the program on the target computer as the user logged on to the target computer.  Please read this page for limitations and considerations for this option. This option only applies to the Install and Command steps.


PDQ Deploy Version 2.3.0 (beta 1) © 2013 Admin Arsenal