Update Notes

Version 2.3

Added Reboot Step to Packages to reboot the target computer.

Added option to run processes as the logged on user.

Added condition for determining whether a user is logged on to the target computer.

Added a timeout option to each package which can override the system timeout in preferences.

Changed the deployment process to deal with reboots caused by install and command steps.

Advanced subscription level of the Package Library now includes past versions of packages.

Pull file copy now runs as deployment user even when running deployment as local system.

Computers will now use their short (NetBIOS) name when their long host name doesn't resolve.

Added version field to packages.

Added options to configure the Windows Service Manager TCP Connection.

Added ability to enable or disable specific steps within multi-step packages.

Improved the speed of aborting deployments.

Schedules no longer deploy to computers where the same package is still being deployed.

Fixed an issue where nesting packages would incorrectly cause a circular reference error.

Fixed an issue importing a package with nested package steps.

Fixed an issue with using a local account for the background service.

Fixed an issue where deployments could get stuck in the Queuing state.

Fixed an issue where the print page orientation could change when printing.

Version 2.2

Release 2

Fixed bug that could cause the database upgrade to fail if there was invalid data in the old database.

Changed the deployment step output to be empty when the deployment succeeds.

Fixed an issue with FIPS computers downloading from the Package Library.

Fixed an issue exporting some data to XLSX format.

Fixed an issue with exporting some CSV files that prevented opening in Excel.

Fixed an issue where the Background Service credentials may not be updated correctly.

Improved connection to Active Directory domains using domain controllers.

Release 1

Package Nesting using the new Nested Package Step.

New Sleep Step to pause between Package steps.

Added ability to start a PDQ Inventory scan after deployment.

Filter for the main window tree.

Subscriptions for Pro Mode authenticate with license key and no longer need e-mail address and password.

Optimize database for top performance.

Deployments are no longer deleted when a package is deleted.

Deployments retain the name of the package at the time it was deployed.

Fixed an issue where deployments could have unexpected results when a package was edited with active deployments.

Fixed an issue where the upgrade could reset the background service credentials to Local System.

Fixed an issue where the background service may not stop without being killed.

Fixed an issue where the package definition couldn't be exported from the package page.

Fixed issue with proxy server prompting for credentials at start up.

Fixed issue when deploying batch files that take quoted parameters.

Fixed issue testing domain credentials after testing local credentials to unknown computer.

Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment.

Fixed an issue where cleaned up deployments weren't always removed from the console.

Fixed an issue when re-downloading a package from the library with read-only files.

Fixed an issue where clipboard would fail to open and cause an error.

Added Duplicate menu option to duplicate selected Package or Target List.

Improved testing of credentials for external domains.

Version 2.1

Added O/S Version condition.

Overall performance enhancements.

Ability to customize the icon and display style of packages and folders.

Drag and drop items in the main window list to change their order.

Files can be imported by dragging or copying from Windows Explorer to the application.

Fixed a problem where the file copy speed wasn't displaying.

Improve importing/pasting duplicate names by adding "- Copy (2)" as needed.

Fixed an issue browsing to files in the Repository when using a mapped drive.

Fixed issues where deployments would stop processing when several were running at once.

Fixed an issue when copy/paste would fail with remote control software running.

Removed a bottle neck which slowed down using pull copy with many files.

Fixed issue which could result in duplicate Packages.

Version 2.0

Release 2

Added access to our new Subscription service.

Added 32/64-bit conditions to Package Steps.

Added filters to grids.

Improved organizing of items in the Main window, including placing items in any order.

Much improved speed switching between items in the main window.

Enable $(Repository) variable in Additional Files.

Ability to open a package from the Deployment Status Window.

Ability to expand/collapse all folders in the main window.

Add "- Copy" to Package names when importing or pasting duplicate names.

Improved updating the console with deployment status.

Keep last used values for the "Stop deploying" settings for new Schedules.

Use scan user credentials for deployments when importing targets from PDQ Inventory.

Fixed an issue with re-using credentials when deploying to failed targets.

All package steps run within single execution of remote service.

Fixed a crash when redeploying to selected computers in the deployment status window.

Fixed an issue where the deployment status would stay running after all computers had finished.

Fixed an issue with the menu formatting when switching between active windows.

Fixed an issue with printing from the Schedule Computer History tab.

Improved error messages when initial service user account can't be set.

Fixed an issue with upgrading the wrong version of the remote repair tool.

Added Architecture (64/32-bits) column to Package Library Packages.

Fixed possible error when starting due to invalid %TEMP% path.

Fixed copying and pasting of packages in the main window.

Changed deployment time out to only apply to each step's run time to prevent large copies from hitting time out.

Fixed issue where expanded folders were not maintained on refresh.

Added keyboard shortcuts to Redeploy (Ctrl+R) and Redeploy to Failed (Ctrl+Shift+R).

Fixed an issue where refreshing the main window would cause the deployment list to lose its selected rows.

Added ability to remember the list of targets between deployments.

Release 1

Introduced Package Library which contains pre-built PDQ Packages for common applications.

Moved to .NET 4 for better performance.

Improved Main Window tree with multiple selection.

New, improved package window and page.

Repository for organizing package files.

Fixed an issue with opening database files with certain languages.

Fixed an issue when exporting Target Lists inside of a folder.

Fixed an issue saving the Weeks in Month value for monthly schedules.

Redeploy now uses the same credentials as the original deployment.

Fixed issue with displaying of copy % after step 1.

Version 1.5

Release 4

Fixed using local credentials with computers specified by IP address.

Fixed a possible crash when opening a Package.

Release 3

Fixed an issue where access to the registry might cause a crash.

Added alignment to printing headers.

Improved the Wake-on-LAN offline policy to more reliably determine when the target has come online.

Updating to new version creates backup of database in database directory.

Added credentials user name to the notification e-mail report.

Fixed a bug preventing the use of name@domain credentials in some places.

Fixed error message shown when Spiceworks user doesn't have sufficient rights to browse groups.

Fixed issue with saving the Expires setting for a Schedule.

Fixed issue importing command steps with success codes.

Fixed issue linking to All Computers in PDQ Inventory.

Fixed issue importing computers from PDQ Inventory All Computers collection.

Release 2

Added support for SSL connections to Spiceworks.

Fixed issue with deploying packages with many files using pull copy mode.

Fixed an issue with changed printing margins.

Release 1

Initial release of version 1.5.

PDQ Deploy Version 2.3.0 (beta 1) © 2013 Admin Arsenal